P.O.Box 6233, NARRAWEENA NSW 2099
+61 2 80 052 661

Ceiling heating and cooling

Advantages of the Ceiling system

  • Maintenance-free heating/cooling
  • Without swirling dust
  • Natural heat radiation from above
  • Even temperature distribution in the space
  • Freedom in setting up the interior
  • Healthy

Benefits we provide to you

  • More than 30 years of experience with & nbsp; design and & nbsp; assembly

  • Own products verified by practice (fast service)

  • Possibility to get a 40-year warranty on the system

  • Technical support for our customers

Ceiling heating and cooling system

New construction materials and increased thermal protection of buildings have contributed to a large increase in applications with ceiling heating/cooling. It is a modern, energy-saving and architecturally clean solution for cooling and heating buildings. It brings maximum thermal comfort to the customer thanks to the radiant component of the ceiling, which is the most natural for the human body.

Ceiling cooling

There are cooling mats or pipes through which water at a temperature of 16°C flows in the entire area of the ceiling. The ceiling structure (plasterboard subceiling, plaster) evenly cools the building structure and thus creates a pleasant environment. A building accumulated by cold resists thermal shocks and there are no temperature fluctuations inside.

Ceiling heating

We can also use the active ceiling construction system for heating. Increasing demands on the quality of building constructions make it possible to reduce the heat loss of the house. Thanks to the large active surface of the ceiling, we achieve high heating performance. Radiant heat from the entire ceiling surface warms the surrounding structures and creates a temperature-stable and comfortable environment.

Advantages of the ceiling system

Ceiling cooling can be used in coffered ceilings, acoustic panels, as active cooling plasterboards attached to a standard metal structure designed for suspended ceilings, or as a cooling register system under the plaster. The possibilities of use are practically unlimited, which offers architects and designers unlimited possibilities.

Possibilities of using the ceiling system

The area of use is really wide thanks to the minimum demand on space, high comfort and variability. The ceiling cooling/heating system can be used in new buildings as well as renovations.

How to proceed


Contact us using the form or by phone


We will arrange a meeting with a technician who will explain the system and recommend a suitable solution


We will prepare a price offer tailored to your requirements


We will ensure the installation of the system

Úspešné realizácie

Úspešné realizácie

John S.
“ Professional and, as they say, really fast assembly. We have been thinking about ceiling cooling for a long time, but now we can't imagine summer days without it. It works wonderfully. No draft, no cold and also no dust, which I appreciate very much as an allergy sufferer. Compared to the classic climate, this is the best decision. “
John S.

Často kladené otázky

  • Aj napriek pomerne kvalitným oknám, ktoré sa bežne predávajú za prijateľné ceny, dochádza v zimnom období ku kondenzácii vodnej pary, ktorá sa zráža v podobe kvapiek na okrajoch okien a rámoch. Ideálnym riešením je podlahový konvektor. Konštrukčne je tvorený tepelným výmenníkom v ktorom prúdi horúca voda zo zdroja (napr. kotol). Ventilátor, umiestnený v konvektore, nasáva studený vzduch z miestnosti, ktorý tlačí cez výmenník, čím sa ohrieva. Teplý vzduch potom vyfukuje smerom k oknám, čím bráni v ich orosovaniu.

  • Výmenník má pripojenie ½´´, podobne, ako radiátory. Rozvodné potrubie môže byť buď z nízkouhlíkovej ocele, plastohliníka (dvojrúrkový systém) alebo polybutylénovou rúrkou Radia-Noxy 16×2,2 mm (hviezdicový systém).

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